
Lakewood Plumbing And Heating is fast and reliable plumbing and heating company located in the heart of US; Provides excellent Commercial and Residential Plumbing and Heating Services; We love to provide you with an accurate estimate & our mission is to solve your plumbing and Heating Problems The business has a very high level of referral from existing customers. The reasons are simple. The managing director carries out every site visit and quotation.


Hot water circulator

The ultimate in convenience is having hot water instantly available at sinks, appliances and bathroom faucets. The elimination of time spent waiting is especially convenient in areas where the installation of low flow showerheads and faucets are required by law.

Lakewood Plumbing And Heating improves the operating efficiency and effectiveness of household appliances including washing machines and dishwashers by having hot water available instantly, eliminating the lag time from the water heater to the appliance.

Users can save energy by setting the 24 hour programmable timer to produce hot water during peak demand times such as early morning and in the evening.

The recirculation pump can be installed by a certified contractor in two hours. For the average home, hot water recirculation systems generally cost less, including parts and installation. A low-watt, two-pole motor combines with low-flow performance ensures minimum water heater operating costs, pipe and water heater wear and energy consumption.